Top 5 Key Benefits of Learning in a Hands-On Environment

Medical Labratory Assistants

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin knew what modern science now substantiates: we learn best from direct experiences that involve both mind and body. Hands-on learning is beneficial for all students, but is essential for kinaesthetic learners and can also be very useful for those who don’t have English as a first language.

At Alberta Business & Education Services, we believe that hands-on training is an integral component in learning for all students and is thereby an essential element in each of our health care programs. Here are the top 5 benefits of learning in a hands-on environment.

1. Develops Job-Relevant Critical Thinking Abilities

All types of health care jobs and careers in Calgary demand that individuals be able to think on their feet. Critical reasoning abilities that are directly related to the trained for position are best acquired through hands-on learning. Via practicums and other experiential training, it’s possible to develop the capacity to easily trouble-shoot problems, even when under pressure.

2. Engagement Is Higher

Learners of all kinds—even those who are visual and verbal—benefit from a hands-on learning environment. Lectures and old-fashioned rote learning certainly has its place. But when you pair the theoretical with the practical, students are more interested and more involved in their own learning process. This kind of engagement leads to quicker absorption of critical information and a higher student success rate.

3. Fosters Teamwork

In our experience, we find that hands-on learning helps build camaraderie amongst students. Learning to work well with individuals of all kinds is a necessary component in every health care field. Building the capacity to function as part of a team is a life skill that students can apply in all their future endeavours.

4. Improves the Learning Experience

An educative experience that incorporates a hands-on component tends to be more enjoyable. But beyond this aspect, there’s the proven fact that learning results tend to vastly improve when there’s a kinaesthetic element in the pedagogy. Information retained tends to be significantly higher and students perform better in exams, and eventually, on the job.

5. Employers Prefer Experienced Candidates

In today’s competitive job market, employers demand that candidates not just be knowledgeable and certified, but that they also have relevant experience. Our high post-graduation employment rate is a testament to the fact that our practicums allow students to become desirable hires.

Health Care Training with Alberta Business & Educational Services

Schools in Calgary that adequately prepare you for medical sector careers are few and far between. But with us, students gain both the knowledge and the experience they need to truly be efficient and confident employees. A new fulfilling career awaits you. Contact us today to find out more about our post-secondary school programs in Calgary.