Career Path and Salary Prospects for Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians in Alberta 

Career Path and Salary Prospects for Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians in Alberta

Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians (MDRTs) play a critical role in healthcare by ensuring that medical instruments are properly sterilized and ready for use. This blog explores the career prospects, salary expectations, educational requirements, continuing education opportunities, and potential career advancements for MDRTs in Alberta.  Educational Requirements  To become a Medical Device Reprocessing Technician, one needs to complete high school at … Read More

This is What MDRTs Do Each Day on The Job

Sterile Processing Technicians Job Duties

Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians (MDRTs), also known as sterile processing technicians, maintain the sterility of medical equipment. Their role is to ensure that all surgical instruments and medical devices are properly processed to reduce the risk of infection and contamination. Keep reading to learn what they do, the safety protocols they follow and the science behind sterilization techniques.  What Skills … Read More

How in Demand are Pharmacy Assistants in Alberta? We Have the Stats 

Pharmacy Assistant Helping a Customer - How in Demand are Pharmacy Assistants in Alberta? We Have the Stats

Pharmacy assistants in Alberta work in various healthcare settings, including community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. They play a vital role in supporting pharmacists and technicians when it comes to serving patients with the medications they need. If you’re interested in this field, you may be wondering how saturated the job market is. Let’s investigate!  Are Pharmacy Assistant Jobs in Demand?   … Read More

10 FAQS About Community Support Workers in Alberta

Person speaking to Community Support Worker - 10 FAQS About Community Support Workers in Alberta

Working as a community support worker is one of the most rewarding career paths a person can embark on. They are liaisons of hope, understanding, compassion, and fulfillment for countless individuals who need help because of a disability, trauma, age, and several other factors that can put a person at-risk in society.   If you’re passionate about helping people, solving problems, … Read More

6 Benefits of Career College Education for New Immigrants in Calgary

Professor lecturing to medical students in lecture hall - 6 Career College Benefits for Immigrants in Calgary

In today’s competitive job market, it’s important to have the right education and training to land a fulfilling career. For new immigrants in Calgary, a specialized college education can provide a host of benefits that can help them achieve their career goals.   Here are just a few of the many advantages of a career college education for immigrants in Calgary.  … Read More

5 Reasons to Consider Career College to Jumpstart Your Success

Professor pointing out vertebrae in spine to students - 5 Ways a Career College can Jumpstart Your Success

With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, the need for individuals to equip themselves with specialized skills has never been more urgent. A career college is an ideal choice for individuals looking to kickstart their careers in specific industries. These institutions offer short-term certificate and diploma courses, which can lead to immediate job placement, and the best part is that … Read More

Starting a Career as a Unit Clerk vs Medical Office Assistant 

Unit Clerk passing documents to patient

Unit clerk and medical office assistant positions have plenty of overlap, but there are some key differences you should be aware of when considering a career in either role.   In this article, you’ll find out what it’s like to start working as both a unit clerk and a medical office assistant.   What Does Starting a Career as a Unit Clerk … Read More

Becoming a Unit Clerk: 10 Questions to Help You Make the Right Choice

Young medical assisstant putting away files in doctors office

Are you considering a career as a unit clerk in a hospital setting? Being a unit clerk can be a challenging and rewarding role, but it is important to make sure that this is the right path for you. Here are answers to 10 questions you should know before pursuing a career as a unit clerk.  1. What Does A … Read More

In-Person Learning vs. Online Learning: The Pros & Cons of Each

Online Format Classes for Healthcare Programs

At many colleges, the program you want may only be available in one format: either online or in person. But, at some schools, your program may be offered in person AND online, giving you a choice.   Should you choose to study in a classroom or from the comfort of your own home? Below, we compare in-person vs online learning. At … Read More

4 Sources of Student Financial Aid at ABES College 

Financial Options for Continuing Your Education in Calgary

Education can get expensive. Most people don’t have extra money lying around to spend on schooling, so they borrow in hopes that their future boost in earnings will put them back in the black. Most people need student financial aid to pay for the fees, and luckily, many colleges offer student awards and financial assistance.    Read this article to … Read More