5 Things You’ll Learn in a Dental Office Assistant (DOA) Program 

Dental Office Assistant working with Dentist looking at x-ray - 5 Things You'll Learn in a Dental Office Assistant (DOA) Program

Enrolling in a Dental Office Assistant (DOA) program is your first step toward a rewarding career at the intersection of healthcare and administration. This certification opens doors to numerous opportunities and sets you apart as a skilled professional ready to meet the demands of a dynamic healthcare environment. Here, we list five critical skills you’ll learn when you enroll in … Read More

All About the HCA Bursary Programs in Alberta for 2024

Nurse chatting with an elderly women in wheel chair - All About the HCA Bursary Programs in Alberta for 2024

In 2024, Alberta continues to support aspiring Health Care Aides (HCAs) through generous bursary programs, acknowledging the critical role they play in the healthcare system. HCA Bursary programs in Alberta offer financial assistance to students pursuing HCA programs, making education more accessible and encouraging more individuals to join this noble profession.  What HCA Bursary funding is available in Alberta?  Alberta … Read More

10 Essential Answers to FAQs About Dental Office Administration in Alberta 

Dental office Admin speaking to Dentist - 10 Essential Answers to FAQs About Dental Office Administration in Alberta

Considering a career as a Dental Office Administrator in Alberta? This FAQ guide answers all your questions about this dynamic and rewarding profession. Whether you’re a student, career changer, or just curious about what a DOA does, we’ve got you covered.  1. What Does a Dental Office Administrator Do?  Dental Office Administrators (DOAs) are the backbone of a dental office. … Read More

The Importance of Language Skills for New Immigrants in Canada

Group of New Immigrants learning English As a Second Language - The Importance of Language Skills for New Immigrants in Canada

Welcome to Canada! As a new immigrant, speaking English or French can make a big difference in your life. These languages help you communicate with others, find good jobs, and understand Canadian culture. In this blog, we will talk about the importance of these languages, where you can learn them, and how these skills can help you integrate into Canadian … Read More

How in Demand are Pharmacy Assistants in Alberta? We Have the Stats 

Pharmacy Assistant Helping a Customer - How in Demand are Pharmacy Assistants in Alberta? We Have the Stats

Pharmacy assistants in Alberta work in various healthcare settings, including community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. They play a vital role in supporting pharmacists and technicians when it comes to serving patients with the medications they need. If you’re interested in this field, you may be wondering how saturated the job market is. Let’s investigate!  Are Pharmacy Assistant Jobs in Demand?   … Read More

Accessing Social Services in Calgary: A Guide for New Immigrant

Family at a local support office looking for help - Accessing Social Services in Calgary: A Guide for New Immigrants

Calgary, a friendly and energetic city in Alberta, Canada, is home to a diverse population, including a significant number of newcomers. As you settle into your new life in Calgary, you may need to access social services to support your needs and goals. This guide provides a quick overview of the various social services available in Calgary so you can … Read More

Challenges Faced by New Immigrants in Canada and How to Overcome Them

Calgary Skyline in Winter - Challenges Faced by New Immigrants in Canada and How to Overcome Them

Immigrating to Canada is a dream for many, offering a promise of a better life and opportunities. However, the transition is often accompanied by unique challenges that can be overwhelming for new immigrants. Understanding these hurdles and how to conquer them is crucial for a successful new chapter in the Great White North.  Here, we discuss six common challenges faced … Read More

How to Become a Pharmacy Assistant: 5 Steps 

Pharmacy Assistant helping patient with medication directions - How to Become a Pharmacy Assistant: 5 Steps 

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a pharmacy assistant in Alberta, it’s important to understand the requirements and steps involved. Here’s a simple guide to help you become a pharmacy assistant in Alberta:  1. Complete an Education  While a high school diploma is typically the minimum requirement, some employers may prefer candidates who have completed a pharmacy assistant … Read More

How to Find Employment in Calgary as a New Immigrant

International Young Adult at job interview - How to Find Employment in Calgary as a New Immigrant

Hello and welcome to Calgary! We know finding a job in a new place can be tough. This guide will help you learn the essentials, so you’re equipped for your employment journey in the city.  Understand Calgary’s Job Market  Calgary, known for its energy sector, has been expanding its job market to offer broader opportunities. While oil and gas still … Read More

Pharmacy Assistant vs. Pharmacy Technician: Which Career is Right for You? 

Pharmacy Assistant helping elderly patient read medication list - Pharmacy Assistant vs. Pharmacy Technician: Which Career is Right for You?

When it comes to a career in the pharmaceutical field, there are two main options outside of becoming a pharmacist: pharmacy assistant and pharmacy technician. Both roles are essential to the smooth operation of a pharmacy, but they have different responsibilities, educational requirements, and prospects. Let’s compare pharmacy assistant vs. pharmacy technician roles to help you decide which career path … Read More